

1. Online store Kulturalne about SEO, operating at the address: kulturalnieoseo.pl, is run by Goldkey Agencja Interaktywna Adam Piątkowski, with its registered office at: Sadowa 16/26, 05-110 Jablonna, operating under NIP number: 5272165189

2. These Regulations of the Online Store define the rules for making purchases in the online store Kulturalne o SEO and in particular the rules and procedure for concluding distance sales contracts through the Store and the procedure for withdrawal from the contract by the Consumer.

3. In the field of Services provided electronically, these Regulations are the regulations referred to in Article 9 of the Act on the Provision of Services by Electronic Means of July 18, 2002 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344, as amended).

4. The Regulations are addressed to all Customers of the Store. All Customers are obliged to read the provisions of the Terms and Conditions before making a purchase.

5. Each Customer is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Regulations. The sale is made on the basis of the version of the Regulations, in force at the time of placing the order.

6. Each Customer has the opportunity to read the Regulations at any time by clicking on the website of the Shop kulturalnieoseo.pl l in the hyperlink “Regulations of the Store”. The Terms and Conditions can be downloaded and printed at any time.

7. All information contained on the website of the Shop kulturalnieoseo.pl relating to products (including prices), does not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code of 23 April 1964 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019 item 1145, as amended), but an invitation to conclude a contract, pursuant to Article 71 of the Civil Code of 23 April 1964 (i.e. U. of 2020, item 1740, as amended). By sending the Order Form, the Customer makes an offer to purchase the indicated Service at the price and under the conditions specified in the description.


— this set of regulations organizing the rules of use of the Store Services by Customers.
Consumer (contracts concluded before January 1, 2021) — a natural person, making a civil law contract through the Store, not directly related to his business or professional activity.
Consumer (contracts concluded from January 1, 2021) — the Consumer is considered to be the following persons:a natural person concluding a civil law contract through the Store, not directly related to his economic or professional activity — the so-called”Consumer senso stricto“and a natural person concluding a civil law contract through the Store, directly related to his business activity, when the content of this agreement shows that he does not have a professional character for that person, resulting in particular from the object of his business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity — the so-called”Entrepreneur on Consumer Rights“.For the purposes of these Regulations, it is assumed that in the absence of a distinction between the two groups of entities indicated, the Regulations apply to both Consumers sensu stricto and Entrepreneurs on the rights of the Consumer.

Client — a natural person (including the Consumer) who is at least 13 years old (provided that he has obtained the consent of the legal representative), a legal person and an organizational unit other than a legal person, whose special provisions grant legal capacity, who uses the Services provided by the Store.

Order Form — Service available on the Store's website, with the help of which the Customer can make a purchase, in particular by adding Services to the Cart and specifying certain conditions of the Sales Agreement, including the method of delivery and payment.

Shopping Cart — an element of the Store in which the Services selected by the Customer are visible and in which the Customer has the opportunity to establish and modify the Order data, including the quantity of Products purchased.

Shop — website, belonging to the Seller, available under the domain: kulturalnieoseo.pl, through which the Customer may purchase Services from the Seller.

Salesperson — Goldkey sp. z o.o., with its registered office at: Kowalczyka 1b, 03-193 Warsaw which, while conducting commercial or professional activity, proposes to sell using its website.

Service — business activity of a non-productive nature, provided without the simultaneous presence of the Seller and the Customer (at a distance), through the transmission of data at the individual request of the Customer, transmitted and received by means of devices for electronic processing, including digital compression, and data storage, which is entirely transmitted, received or transmitted by means of a telecommunications network within the meaning of the Act of 16 July 2004 r. — Telecommunications Law (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019, item 2460, as amended).

Contract of sale — a contract for the sale of Services at a distance concluded by the Customer through the Store, usually through the Order Form.


1. The condition of using the Store is to read and accept these Terms and Conditions. By placing an order, the Customer accepts the content of the Terms and Conditions.

2. Orders from Customers are accepted using the sent Order Form, made through the website: kulturalnieoseo.pl or by e-mail to the address info@kulturalnieoseo.pl, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

3. The Order for Services is executed by selecting the Services in which the Customer is interested, clicking the “ADD TO CART” button, located next to the description of the Services, and then, from the “CART”, located in the Store tab, filling out the Order Form, including choosing the form of delivery and payment or choosing the payment option upon receipt, if available for the Service, and then clicking on the purchase confirmation.

4. Entrepreneurs, recognized as so-called Entrepreneurs on consumer rights (see the definition of “Consumer” in these Regulations), concluding contracts after January 1, 2021, will have to indicate, already at the time of placing the order for Services, that the purchase is not of a professional nature for them.

5. After placing the order, the Customer receives a confirmation of the order placed at his e-mail address, provided in the Order Form.

6. Dopo il client di confirmazione di acceptazione dell'offerta, il processo di elaborazione dell'ordine a venditore:a. nel caso di placamento di un ordine pagamento pagato su consegna, è iniziato al più recente sul seguente giorno di lavoro, dopo la consegna della vendito.B. in the case of placing an order paid by traditional transfer — it begins after the payment for the placed order is credited to the Bank account of the Store.

7. Orders placed in the Store are processed 24 hours a day, regardless of the day of the week.

8. A Customer will receive a message about the acceptance of the order for execution, which is understood as the Seller's statement of acceptance of the offer. Upon receipt by the Customer, a Sales Agreement is concluded.

9. A VAT receipt is issued for each order. At the Customer's request, a VAT invoice will also be sent.

10. The available means of communication between the Customer and the Shop is: e-mail — info@kulturalnieoseo.pl

11. the price specified in the order is the total value that the Customer is obliged to pay (gross price). It includes the tax due.

12. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices in the Store, to introduce new Services for sale, to carry out and cancel promotional actions, or to make changes in them, in accordance with the applicable law.

13. If the Consumer is obliged to pay in excess of the agreed price, described in the previous paragraph, the Store will immediately inform the Consumer of this fact, explaining the reason for the price difference. A.


1. As part of the functioning of the Store, the following payment methods are possible:
1. bank transfer; 2. instant payments

2. A customer who has chosen the payment option by bank transfer is obliged to pay the fee for the order placed, within five (5) working days, from the date of placing the order. Otherwise, the Seller's offer is not binding and the order is deleted from the system. In the title of payment, it is enough to specify only the number of the order being placed. A.


1. According to the Act on Consumer Rights of May 30, 2014 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 287, as amended), a Consumer may withdraw from the contract of sale of Services purchased in the Store, without giving a reason, by submitting an appropriate statement in writing, within fourteen (14) days, counting from the date of receipt of the Service. To comply with this deadline by the Consumer, it is sufficient to send a statement, before its expiration.

2. The Consumer may withdraw from the contract by submitting to the Seller a statement of withdrawal from the contract. A model declaration is set out in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

3. A declaration of withdrawal from the contract should be sent to the address: Kowalczyka 1b, 03-193 Warsaw or to the e-mail address: info@kulturalnieoseo.pl.pl

4. The Seller, within fourteen (14) days, from the date of receipt of the statement of withdrawal from the contract, will refund to the Consumer all payments made by him

5. The Seller shall refund the payment using the same payment method used by the Consumer.

6. Het rechte van de uitbetaling van de Sales-Agreement is niet beschikbaar met de Verzendelijk aan de contract:in die onderdeel van de service is een niet prefabriceerd artikel, geproduceerd aan de Consumer's specificaties of met zijn individualiseerde needen; in die onderdeel van het dienst is een gesloten in verkeergelegenheid, niet volgt, kan niet se restituisce per la causa di salute o hygienico, se il pacchetto ha a; a; a el mercado finanziario, a que l'entrepreneur no eseguire controle, y a;

7. A retraction from a distance contract is not vested in an entity other than the Consumer, in the sense adopted for the purposes of these Regulations (see: definition of “Consumer”).


1. En el evento que el processo de complaintance no se a la Resultado que el Consumidor puede usar, entre otros, a mediación direccionada por la Inspectorate Provincial de Trades Inspectoración regional, que a la richiesta de mediation se deve ser solicitado. As a rule, the procedure is free. A list of Inspectorates can be found at: https://www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php#faq595.Pomocy of the competent territorial permanent consumer arbitration court operating at the Voivodship Inspectorate of Trade Inspection, to which an application should be submitted for consideration of the case before the arbitration court. As a rule, the procedure is free. The list of courts is available at: https://www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php#faq596.Bezpłatnej of the municipal or district consumer ombudsman. Online ODR platform available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

2. This chapter entitled “Out-of-court dispute resolution” does not apply to one category of persons described in these Regulations as Consumers, the so-called “Entrepreneurs on consumer rights”, which has entered into force for contracts concluded from 1 January 2021. Therefore, for all contracts, this chapter applies only to entities belonging to the so-called. Consumer categories in strict sense.


1. The Customer, when placing orders, consents to the processing of personal data provided by him, for the purpose of executing and servicing the order, by the Seller, who is also the administrator of personal data, within the meaning of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/95 46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, pp. 1-88.

2. The administrator of personal data provided by the Customer while using the Store is the Seller.

3. Personal data, contained in the Seller's database, are not transferred to entities that do not participate in the execution of the Sales Agreement.

4. In accordance with Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, pp. 1-88, the Customer has the right to access their personal data, may request their rectification or deletion. The Seller provides each Customer with the right to control the personal data processed.

5. Providing personal data is voluntary, however, the lack of consent to the processing of personal data prevents the execution of the Customer's order.

6. Detaillierte informatie over personale gegevensbescherming en privacy beschikbaar zijn in de “Privacy Policy” tabel op de Store-website.


1. The Buyer may submit a complaint by e-mail to the e-mail address: info@kulturalnieoseo.pl, as well as by mail to the address of the Seller's registered office.

2. A complaint should contain at least the following data: a) identification of the Customer — name and surname/name, address for correspondence) e-mail address, contact telephone number) subject of complaint) indication of factual circumstances justifying the complaint.

3. The Organizer shall consider complaints within 30 days from the moment of receipt.


1. The Regulations determine the rules for concluding and executing the Contract for the sale of Services located on the Store's website.
2. A sales contract is concluded between the Customer and the Seller.
3. The Regulations are available to all Customers in electronic version on the website of the Shop kulturalnieoseo.pl.

4. A.

5. All persons, including Customers, are prohibited from posting illegal content on the Store's website.

6. A.

7. The Regulations do not exclude or limit any rights of the Customer, who is a Consumer, who is entitled to the mandatory provisions of law. A.

8. A. In such a case, the Parties shall replace the invalid or ineffective provision with another that reflects faithfully as possible the intended economic objective. Por lo tanto, questo è anche applicato a qualcosa possibile nella Reglamento.

Annex 1: Withdrawal form Consumo senza stricto and Entrepreneurs on Consumer Rights desde el contratto concluado
City: ___________, date: __________ r.Consumer/entrepreneur under the rights of Consumer:Name: ________________Address: ________________E-mail: ________________Tel: ________________Entrepreneur:Name: Goldkey Sp. z o.o.

FROM THE CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES Hereby, acting on the basis of Article 27 of the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020 item 287, as amended), as amended: Article 27 of the Consumer Rights ActA consumer who has concluded a distance or off-premises contract may withdraw from the contract without giving any reason and without incurring any costs within 14 days, with the exception of the costs referred to in Articles 33, 34 (2) and 35. I inform you of the withdrawal from the contract, concluded on _______________ r., consisting of:

Therefore, I kindly ask you to return the following amount of money, resulting from the withdrawal from the contract: ______ zł (in words: _________________________________), which should be transferred to the following bank account number: _________________________. Sincerely, __________________(signature of the Consumer/Entrepreneur on the rights of the consumer)